Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Random Ideas of Creativity

Each day as I sit and ponder what I'm going to do I have millions of ideas that flow through my mind. For instance, yesterday I arrived home from step class (which I love) and decided I was going to rearrange our entire apartment. This is something I love to do as I love change, it can be as simple as a new piece of artwork to changing around an entire room! So as I began on the new arrangement I decided that I was going to not only to the entire living room but the guest room also. After 3 hours of movement and cleaning I am so happy with the new designs. Matt's words as he came through the door "This is a lot of change". Yesterday I got to fulfill my creative side and today I hope to also complete that by making a wreath I found on pintrest (Pictures hopefully tomorrow).



Yoga is one of my top four adventures for this summer. So far I have experienced Hot Yoga, Yoag Basics, and Slow Flow Yoga. As each one has its benefits I have to say Hot Yoga is by far my favorite. At first it seemed really scary to me and after the first 5 min. I thought I was going to faint but by the end I had fallen in love. This whole Yoga expeeince has been very fasinating. Yoag is becoming my new relaxation/mind clearing tool. If you haven't tried it I highly suggest you do! So as they say at the end...

Namaste: represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us

Monday, July 2, 2012

Cooking with Cumin

Last night was my first night of my cooking adventure. As I have not had a lot of experience cooking I am trying now and I have to say tonights meal was delicous! I made a turkey chili, it was simple and best of all Matt really enjoyed it!

Ingredients: Onions, Garlic, Tomatoes, Cumin, Beans, and Turkey.
*Just put all ingredients in the pot and mix up. This chili takes about 20 min. from start to finish. We put some shredded cheese on top and it was even better!

Finish with a Wookchuck Gluten Free Cider!

Friday, June 29, 2012

I've already completed one of my first craft projects of the summer! Thanks to an old $25.00 gift card to Micheals I was able to get all of the materials I would need to make the braided necklace I found on Pintrest. This was a really fun project, I used to bead when I was younger (I learned form an older woman in my church) as I finised the necklace it made me want to conitnue and see what else I could make. Please enjoy my final piece and check out the link below if you want to make your own. This project took me about 1.5 hours and $15.00, however I have a lot of pieces left over!
                                    I think it would be best with a shirt of blouse.

See if you can make one for your next fancy outfit!
This blog is a place for me to share my life this summer before I enter my 4th year of teaching. I hopeing to acchomplish many things this summer. My highest priority is learning how to cook: clean and gluten free meals that are easy and yummy. Secondly I want to complete all of the DIY projects I have began to Pin on pintrest! Thirdly I hope to prepare for this school year by making, creating, and findging new ways I can excite my studetns with learning. Finally I want to become a master Yoga student! This is not only an adventure that will last a long time "I hope" but also one that will be living and breathing in the moment! Thanks for wanting to be apart of this as I begin my four challenges for the summer and next school year..